Project Life 2012-Weeks Four and Five

Hey there! So sorry I haven't posted in a while. Starting a new full-time job is leaving barely any time to scrapbook. Luckily, I've been keeping up with Project Life, just haven't been able to blog about it. So here are weeks four and five.
Project Life 2012 - Week Four

This was the week before I started my new job and Taylor started preschool. I felt like we were running around, trying to get everything done. This week we were also trying to cut out TV. I don't know how I let it happen, but Taylor just watched way too much. He did very well without it. Here is my left page:
 Photos include seeing family on Sunday, Taylor's first trip to the car wash, Taylor taking out all my pens in the scraproom, Taylor and Kayden watching TV, and Daddy and Taylor cuddling.

Here is my right page:
I included the packaging to a new cup I bought Taylor for school, my doctor's business card, and my receipt from getting my hair done. Photos are of Jessica giving Taylor snacks at the park, my new hairdo, me kissing Taylor at Uncle Trent's basketball game, the girls night we had on Friday, and Daddy and Taylor playing with the football.

Project Life 2012 - Week Five
This was our first week of school. And we jumped right in with a long day, 9-5. I absolutely loved my first week. I'm just helping out other teachers for now and getting to know the kids. Preschool is such a fun age! Taylor did well, but I felt so bad for him. He cried most of that first week. I would peek on him throughout the week, and I either saw him crying or clinging to his teacher. :( His teachers told me over and over that he was fine, but I couldn't help feeling bad. They also said he really liked playing outside, and cried whenever they had to go back in. It was a big adjustment for both of us, and boy was I tired at the end of the day. Here is my left page:
I included the receipts from all of the errands we had to run on Sunday before our big week. Pictures are Taylor on his first day, before all the tears, Belly with her bone, and a photo of my Project Life album in the works. 
 I included a 6x12 insert this week. I trimmed off the top a bit. I included Taylor's daily reports from his classroom.
 On the back I included some finger painting he had done in class. I love that!

Here is my right page:
I included the packaging from yummy mashed potatoes we just cant get enough of lately and a scrap paper that I doodled on trying to show Taylor how to use his new markers. I loved the way it came out so I embellished it with some paper flowers, buttons, patterned paper, and a tag that says "hello february". I adhered the February photo a day challenge in hopes that I'll keep up with it everyday. Photos include Taylor sitting at the big boy table eating lunch in his classroom, you have no idea how happy that photo makes me. :) Also Taylor playing with the football again, coloring with his markers, and cuddling with daddy after his nap.


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