December Daily 2016 | Day Fourteen

 Welcome to day fourteen!
Taylor really wanted to make a gingerbread house this year. But it's so messy and there too much sugar, and he made one out of graham crackers at school, so I wanted to skip it this year. He was a little disappointed, but then asked if we could make gingerbread cookies. That was a good idea. While I was out and about, trying to get shopping done for co-workers, I bought the dough and white icing. When we got home, I baked them. Taylor wanted candy to decorate them though. So that'll be for tomorrow.

Day Fourteen is 3 pages. Here's the first page:

I absolutely loved that "stop cookie time" card from the Studio DIY mini kit this year but didn't want to purchase so many kits, lol. So I tried my best to recreate it with Word. I love that wood veneer star from Ali's main kit for a see-through element.
And the the spread:
Back (Left):
Even though we weren't decorating them to Taylor's liking tonight, we all had to try one. Yum!
Silly boys. Fun times. December memories. <3


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