December Daily 2013 - Day Four

I really wanted to teach Taylor about Jesus this year, about the true meaning of Christmas. And although I know he's only three, and he doesn't quite understand, I know he's super smart and it's just something that I wanted to tell him about. So I got the Fisher Price Nativity Set in November. He loved it. I told him who everyone was, and he immediately remembered Jesus, Jesus' mommy and daddy, and of course the animals. He still asks what Mary and Joseph's names are, but he gets it. And he always asks if baby Jesus is crying, happy or sad, and why he's laying in a nest. It's really cute talking with him and seeing how his little mind works.

Here's my spread for day four:

When we were younger, I adored this nativity set that Trevor's mom had. It was beautiful! Well, she gave it to me, bless her heart, and I love it! When we got home from school, Taylor did not want to play with his, he wanted to play with mine. :)

He immeiately showed me where baby Jesus was. It was a sweet moment.

Here's the left page:
I love the big title!
Here's the right page:
My typewriter got away from me for a minute. It is not easy putting those 4x6 cards in there, but oh well, it is what it is.


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